The Sims 4 Culinary career guide

The Sims 4 Culinary career guide Character pouring milk

Loving and making food is an art in itself, and if you appreciate this and then your Sim should definitely reflect this quality as well. Luckily The Sims 4 has a tailor-made Culinary career option that you can choose for your Sim to follow. With all of its drama and delicious twists and turn, we have also created The Sims 4 culinary career guide for you to refer to.

This way you would not get lost in the high-pressure environment of the kitchen and the cuisine your Sim’s crafts will always taste delicious and mouth-watering, while also making a ton of money on the side.

So, keep reading on to find out about The Sims 4 culinary career guide and how it can help you to navigate this elusive career path.

The Sims 4 Culinary career guide Character pouring milk Characters cutting vegetables

The Sims 4 culinary career guide explained

To start this career in The Sims 4, you just need to go to the career panel menu and select this career option from there. You can also do the same from the work section on your Sim’s phone. Your Sim will start from level 1 with a job title called Assistant Dishwasher. The ideal mood for this career will be Inspired. You can also use the Creative Trait as it provides a significant boost to your Sim’s performance.

Remember to also train your Cooking and Mixologist Skills at the beginning levels as they become pretty important in the later stages. You can take Thoughtful showers and Browse Art to stay Inspired, and when it comes to leveling up faster, always choose to work hard. Your daily task from levels 1-5 will be Preparing Food or Mixing Drinks.

Once you reach level 6 in this career, it will be separated into two specializations, Chef and Mixologist.

The Sims 4 Culinary career guide Character pouring milk Character making food

The Chef Career Branch

This branch generally pays more than the Mixologist, and your Sim’s daily tasks will be to prepare amazing dishes. Thus, you need to work to keep your Sim’s cooking levels high, along with the gourmet cooking levels. The mood is, again, inspired, since you will acquire more points for cooking higher level meals. Plus, you will also get really cool refrigerators for free, so choosing this branch is pretty advantageous. 

The Sims 4 Culinary career guide Character pouring milk Character making toast

The Mixologist Career Branch

In this career branch, the daily task is to Mix Drinks. Therefore, your Sim needs to train their Mixology and Charisma Skills. You will level up faster if you choose to mix higher level drinks and for increasing your Charisma Skill you need to make sure your Sim is Confident and make them constantly brush their teeth.

An effective and cheap way to increase your levels is to do bar tricks and for doing this task you can also get a pretty awesome Mixology Bar as well.

This is everything you needed to know in this guide. If you liked what you read then please check out our other guides on The Sims 4 such as The Sims 4 athlete career guide and The Sims 4 business career guide.