Ravenlok unwanted creature – how to create the acid bomb

Ravenlok unwanted creature carnivorous plant

Aren’t we all, in some ways, unwanted creatures? The planet is perhaps a bit too full of people and we could u- ok, we are not going there, for sure. Instead, we are here to relax with a game, and we have a problem with the Ravenlok unwanted creature quest.

So, you’ve completed the greenhouse puzzle, you’ve even got the anti poison ring, but still, there is a problem. The door to get to Esmeralda is blocked. That’s where we come in with this handy, dandy Ravenlok guide.

But no worries, this is one you can have an easy time solving, so let’s look at the Ravenlok unwanted creature so you don’t have to get annoyed and frustrated.

How to kill the plant with the acid bomb

Basically, in the greenhouse you will find a machine that allows you to create a bomb specifically made to get rid of the plant blocking the door. In order to create it, you need to collect two specific resources: sundew bulbs and pitcher sacs.

You might ask: why a fire bomb would not also do the trick? Well, unfortunately, we can’t help you in that regard. But we can help you by telling you how to get bulbs and sacs.

As opposed to all of the other resources of the game, they are collected by killing enemies, specifically the ones just outside of the greenhouse and in the labyrinth. You must be careful to get the resources as they are dropped by the killing enemies, making them the only ones to have to be collected like that in the whole game.

But how many of those would you need? Specifically, you need one sundew bulb and two pitcher sacs, so you should probably have them if you have not skipped all the fights.

Hopefully, we have helped you get into the greenhouse and fight the plant, now you’re almost finished with the quests.

Read our full Ravenlok walkthrough for more tips and tricks on the game.