Palia library card – how to get and use

Palia library card - how to get and use Characters looking up

Palia is still a bit of an enigma when it comes to all of the features it holds. Several players have encountered items while exploring its cozy world that they have no idea what to do with. For some, this aspect is pretty charming but for others, it is another thing to stress about. So, the latter players, here’s how you can get a Library Card in Palia and how you can use it.

This may come as a surprise for many players, but yes, there is one library in this cozy MMORPG and it is even tied to a quest. So, if you have found this card, be careful to not throw it away or misplace it.

Keep reading to understand how you can find a Library Card in Palia and what you can use it for. Once you get to know its use, you will feel really satisfied.

Palia library card - how to get and use Character standing in a library

How to get the library card

You will first get the Library Card from a character called Caleri. She will be present at Kilima Village in the Library. Just talk to her and gift Caleri her weekly want. Once you do this, she will give you a library card and send it via mail.

Now you will need to wait one day for your mail to arrive directly at your house. This is the simplest and easiest way to get the Library Card. However, if this method does not work for you, don’t worry.

In case this doesn’t work, you will need to complete a quest called Manners, Manners. This is a quest given by Caleri after you give her a present. In it, you basically have to read this giant blue book on the table near where Caleri is standing.

After you do this, go talk to her again and she will ask you what you learned from the book. Just choose the last option and you will finish this quest. This is another method to get the Library Card in Palia. When it comes to possible uses of the Library Card, you can use it to get the Carrot soup recipe from the library.

If you liked what you just read, then please check out our other articles such as Palia old coin – how to find and use and Texas Chainsaw Massacre game maps exits guide.