How many chapters in Lies of P? Character holstering a glowing object

How many chapters in Lies of P?

Lies of P is a reimaging of the class Pinchoocio story. When you play this game, you may encounter many familiar situations if you are familiar with the classic story; however, as it is a game, there are many new interpretations and story beats specifically designed for an interactive experience. Gamification of Literature does leave some marks, and in this game, most of the major story beats and locations are divided between chapters. But now, the question is: How many Chapters are in Lies in P?

Length of games has become a really important aspect, as over the years they have only gotten only longer, so if you are someone who has not started playing Lies of P and how to manage their time due to their huge backlog, then knowing how many chapters you have to go through to complete the game will help you to make a better judgment and divide your gameplay session according to that.

This is pretty important because Lies of P is a soulslike game, so you will have to replay certain boss battles a lot. So, keep reading to find out how many chapters are in Lies of P?

How many chapters in Lies of P? Character getting ready for a fight

How many chapters are there in Lies of P?

There are a total of 11 Chapters in Lies of P. The game does not remind you constantly about what chapter you are in when you are playing the game. If you are curious about which chapter you are in, you can visit the Stargazer.

Thus, whenever you move into a new area that generally has its own area boss, you enter a new chapter of this game. Players have also found out that completing these 11 chapters thoroughly will take around 60 hours. So, you have a lot of content to play through.

Although Lies of P is still very linear for a Soulslike game, you have several side quests and optional bosses you can take on.

Anyway, this is all there is to know about this topic. If you liked what you just read, then please check out our other articles such as How to craft powerful boss weapons in Lies of P? And Baldur’s Gate 3 finish the masterwork weapon quest.