How to Pick Up and Move Items in Palia

How to Pick Up and Move Items in Palia Character sitting in a living room

Various Palia trailers showcased how you can customize your house and move stuff around according to your taste and aesthetic. Personalization of the things you buy in RPG is a huge selling point. It makes the game more immersive and way more engaging to play. So, if you are wondering how you can customize your living space, here’s how to pick up and move items in Palia.

Understanding how you can use this feature in Palia will save up a lot of your time and help you undo mistakes when decorating the interior or exterior of your house. Moving objects also become essential for hoarders who want to utilize all the space in their house.

Therefore, here’s how to pick up and move items in Palia and enjoy creating the greatest mansion ever created and impress your friends.

How to Pick Up and Move Items in Palia character picking up a chair

Here’s how you can pick up and move items in Palia

To move any objects in Palia, you first need to point at that specific object and hit the “CTRL” button. This will open a grid map, and you will be able to move that object anywhere you want. Keep in mind that when the grid is activated, the object will constantly snap to a particular area. So, to turn off the grid, you can just hit the “z” key and start moving objects freely.

To make your object placements more accurate, you can also rotate them by selecting an object and then using the mouse scroll or hitting the “e” or “q” key depending upon the direction you want the object to rotate.

These were all of the essential things to keep in mind while moving objects in Palia. If you liked what you just read then please check out our other content such as Tower of Fantasy fishing guide and tips and Tower of Fantasy lost text locations – how to get.