Vampire Survivors – Legacy of the Moonspell character tier list

Legacy of the Moonspell character tier list battle

Are you heating up that ramen? No way, that has to be freshly made! Sorry, got distracted, we are actually here to talk about the newest expansion of Vampire Survivors and which characters are added to the game. Which of those might give us the best chances to stay alive and see the run to the end? Here’s our answer with the Vampire Survivors – Legacy of the Moonspell character tier list.

Already the main game offers a huge roster of characters, each one with its own strengths and weaknesses. All of the newest additions to the DLC will have to be clearly unlocked, this is one expansion made for the expert player, for sure. But still, if we just need to survive a full run, then there are definitely features to keep in mind.

Let’s not waste any more time and let’s take a look at the Vampire Survivors – Legacy of the Moonspell character tier list to see if anyone might be interesting.

Vampire Survivors character tier list

There are 8 new playable characters in the Legacy of the Moonspell DLC. So here’s our tier list of who you should pick and who you should avoid.

Tier 1

In this tier, we’ll definitely put the evolved version of some of the basic characters, namely both Megalo Menya Moonspell and Megalo Syuuto Moonspell. Both of these characters have great health points, violently strong attacks and bonus might points. Clearly, those advantages are balanced by some curse and slowness, but nothing that expert players won’t know how to solve.

Tier 2

In Tier 2, we’ll see some characters who are not as strong, but they can be good options for a quick run. Miang Moonspell and Syuuto Moonspell in their ordinary versions are perfectly fine characters to pick up adn play. Also, McCoy-Oni might also be a fun one to start with, as he (it?) grows pretty quickly and has some random area effects to boot.

Tier 3

Here are some characters that can be recommended only to expert players or those looking for a more difficult time. Menya Moonspell might be a strong character but you’ll need to keep her alive long enough to actually be useful. Gav-‘Et-Oni is also one with a strange attacking weapon and nothing much else to his credit. Babi-Onna has great cooldown stats for weapons, which can be useful for certain types of runs.

Hopefully, this tier list can be useful to decide which characters to unlock first, clearly if you’re looking for more information on the Vampire Suvivors DLC check out our Legacy of the Moonspell weapons guide.