How to find the spa in The Sims 4 – where is the spa?

where is the spa sims 4 a man getting spa treatment

Are you addicted to The Sims 4? Of course you are, that was a silly question. But, with all the expansion packs and updates to the game, then you might be left scratching your and asking yourself things like where is the spa in The Sims 4? But, don’t worry!

Our guide will answer your where is the spa in The Sims 4 question so you can take a nice long soak in the bubbles and pamper yourself with those cucumber things that go on your eyelids. Maybe you’ll even wear a robe.

Below, you’ll find everything about where and how to find the spa to build your perfect resort, as well as where it is and isn’t available.

Where is the spa in Sims 4?

To access the spa in The Sims 4, you need to go into any neighborhood and click on the icon in the top-right of your screen that looks like two pictures. This will bring up a menu of items and objects that you can build.

There are four types of spa in The Sims 4 and you can find them in this menu. The four spas are: Perfect Balance Spa, Center of Center Massage, Aham Ashram Yoga Studio, and Luxe Health Club. Simply select the one that you want and then place it down.

To have access to the spas, you will need to make sure you have the Spa Day Game Pack installed. The game back is currently unavailable on consoles, so you can only install spas in the PC version of The Sims 4 right now.

That’s everything you need to know about getting nice and relaxed in the life sim game. If you like getting lost, why not read one of our Stranded Deep guides, or our High on Life walkthrough if you want some giggles.