Starfield Creatures guide

Starfield Creatures guide Character running in front of a dinosaur like creature

Players are constantly encountering strange and unique creatures in Starfield. Some of these creatures react passively to the presence of the players, while others cannot be more aggressive. In any case, knowing about what type of creatures you might interact with in Starfield will help you out a lot. This article will present a guide regarding the creatures in Starfield that players have discovered so far.

Understanding these “animals” will help you to deal with them. Besides, you will be able to avoid aggressive creatures if you are not looking for a fight. Just knowing more about the creatures in Starfield will give you insight into the ecosystem of a particular planet.

Keep reading to find the guide to creatures in Starfield. Use this article as a reference the next time you enter a new planet in this game.

Starfield Creatures guide Character fighting a creature

Creatures in Starfield Explained

The following are all the Starfield creatures players currently know about:

  • Mothwing Grazer: A mysterious creature that can be found on Tidacha I.
  • Herding Crab Herbivore: This creature looks like a crustacean and only attacks in self-defense. It can be found on Tidachaa I.
  • Twintail Herbivore: This creature can be found on Alpha Andraste III. It walks on two legs and even has two arms. However, it is kind of hard to identify its head as its body is very symmetrical and has two giant horns sticking out of it.
  • Hunting Thornmantis: Located on Verne III. This is a mantis-like creature that is pretty large in size. You can use mind-control to tame it and fight for you.
  • Angler Hexapod: Found on Moloch I. This spider-like creature has six legs and going to terrify any player with arachnophobia. It uses its giant legs to attack and has a bony body.
  • Metropus Floater: These creatures can be found on Lantana III and just like their name you will find them floating in the air. They look like giant jellyfish with their blobby body.
  • Siren: Found on Alpha Andraste II. These four-legged creatures roam and hunt in packs. They anatomically look like a tiger or a lion, however, their face just looks like a giant claw mouth.
  • Kreet Stalker: This strange creature can be found on Kreet. This giant human-sized crab-like creature will attack you before running away. It can be found in Kreet.
  • Armored Bug: This “bug” actually looks more like a horseshoe crab. It can be found on Kreet.
  • Unnamed Rhino Bug: This creature comes with the face of a fly and moves really slowly.
  • Unnamed Green Dinosaur: This creature has organic pipes on its head with a giant flat mouth.
  • Unnamed Red Crab: This creature looks like a crab with an elongated back. It also has two claws.
  • Unnamed Blue Lobster: This three-tailed creature has several antennae poking out of it.
  • Unnamed Turtle Bug: This creature seems to inhabit desert regions. It has a turtle-like shell on its back but with the legs of a crab.
  • Unnamed Bone Spider: This creature can come inside facilities. It looks like a giant spider that can smash you with its giant hands.
  • Unnamed Lobster Dinosaur: This giant dinosaur-like creature has a huge insect-like head. It also has scales on its back and four little hands.
  • Unnamed Giraffe Chicken: This tall creature is covered in scale and generally stays passive towards the player.
  • Unnamed Walking Mushroom: This creature basically looks like a mushroom with crab legs.
  • Unnamed Walking Rock: Similar to the unnamed walking mushroom, this creature has a rock texture all over it.

These are all the major creatures that players have seen in the game. However, there is no doubt that this list is going to get longer in the future. As more players explore the world of Starfield, we will get more information about every creature in Starfield and discover new ones.

If you liked what you just read, then please check out our other articles, such as How long to beat Starfield explained and How to play Starfield on Xbox One explained.