Sea of Stars Wheels – how to win

Sea of Stars Wheels - how to win Character playing a table top game

Sea of Stars’ beautiful fantasy world truly feels lived in. Every location in this shows signs of life and stories. This lived-in aspect is also exemplified through mini-games. They create an atmosphere of permanence and make you feel that the world of the Sea of Stars exists even when you are not exploring it. One of these mini-games is called Wheels. However, if you want to know how to win at Wheels in Sea of Stars, this article will be helpful.

It’s always great to find a mini-game as it showcases that the locals inhabiting the world have their own culture and way to stay entertained. This creates a sense of realism that goes a long way into infusing a degree of tangibility, even in the most fantastical of worlds.

Keep reading to find out how you can win at Wheels in Sea of Stars. After learning this, you will become a pro at this mini-game.

Sea of Stars Wheels - how to win Characters running inside of a clocktower

What is Wheels in Sea of Stars?

Wheels is a mini-game, and you will first encounter it at Port Town of Brisk, inside of a Tavern. We recommend you play Wheels at least once, before delving deeper into its mechanics.

However, if you want to quick rundown, then here you go:

  • Wheels is basically a table-top game that uses a slot machine instead of the traditional cards. 
  • The slot machine contains a variety of powers that you can bestow upon your heroes.
  • Your main goal is to destroy the crown of your opponent. 
  • You will be controlling two heroes at a time and they will be situated on the left and right. You will generally begin with a Warrior and Mage. The other heroes you can get are Archer, Engineer, Assassin and Priest
  • Each hero comes with their own unique skills and traits.
  • When you use the slot machine, you will be spinning for a Blank, Yellow Squares (gives energy to the left hero), Blue Diamond (Gives energy to the right hero), Hammers (Builds shield for your crown), Blue Background (Gives XP to the hero with the icon)

Now, this is a simplified version of what Wheels is about. Remember to play a couple of games to understand the mechanics even better.

How to win at Wheels?

The best thing about Wheels is that there is not a single way to win at a Wheels game. You can create hundreds of strategies and you should find the one that suits your gameplay. 

If you are still having a hard time winning, then remember the following tips and it will surely guarantee your first win:

  • Start focusing on a single hero: If you are a beginner, then start designing your strategies surrounding a single hero. This way, you will be able to distribute resources more efficiently and level up this hero, and deal heavy damage.
  • Use Mage and Archer class heroes: Mage can attack twice and Archer deals high damage and charges very quickly.
  • Don’t focus on Balancing: Focus all of your rolls on one class rather than equalling diving between the two.
  • Understanding how the heroes work: This is going to help you in the long run, especially when it comes to defense. You will know what type of attack is coming for you.

These were some of the basic tips that will truly help you win a game of Wheels. This mini-game is pretty extensive, so remember to keep practicing and you will become a pro pretty fast.

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