Sea of Stars Rainbow Conch – locations and how to use

Sea of Stars Rainbow Conch - locations and how to use Characters balancing on a rope

Sea of Stars’s detailed fantastical world contains many fascinating items and collectibles. Once you start collecting them, it will be pretty hard to stop. One of these items is the Rainbow Conch. These are very colorful shells that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also have practical use. However, you will need to find them first. So, here are Sea of Stars Rainbow Conch locations.

These shells can be found throughout the game’s world. It will take some time, so only go out looking for them when you have an ample amount of time.

Keep reading to find out about all the Sea of Stars Rainbow Conch locations. Knowing where to find them beforehand will be advantageous for your search.

Sea of Stars Rainbow Conch - locations and how to use Characters looking at a chest

All locations of Rainbow Conch in Sea of Stars

As mentioned earlier, Rainbow Conch is found throughout the game’s map, so the following lists will be divided under the places where you can find them.

Sleeper Island

  • X’tols Landing: Found on the left side cliffs 
  • Wind Tunnel Mines Dungeon: Travel to the Lower floor
  • Stonemason Outpost: Go inside a villager’s house and find a kid making a sand castle, it requires a Mistral Bracelet.
  • Stonemason Outpost: Help Chi get water. After doing this, enter the nearest building and turn on the water flow.
  • Moorlands: Find a green crystal to push into a switch then grab the chest.
  • Coral Cascades: Eastern side on a coral ledge.
  • Coral Cascades: Near the waterfall, there will be breakable Stone. Break it.
  • Port Town of Brisk: From the leftmost side of the town, head down towards the dock. You will find it near palm trees
  • Port Town of Brisk: Found in a secret store underneath the docks.
  • Port Town of Brisk: You will need to win the chest gambling mini-game 5 times.
  • Port Town of Brisk: You can find the Conch after the events on Wraith Island. Travel to the beach area and find children making a sand castle. Just talk to them and you will get it.
  • Abandoned Wizard Lab dungeon: Inside the left side of the room near the dock.

Evermist Island

  • The Mountain Trail: On the small island on the mountain trail path. You need to have a Graplou item.
  • Mooncradle: You will need to first remove the thorns for the farmer at the south field and then talk to them.
  • Mooncradle: On the east side of town, you will need to use the gust ability to remove the leaves.

Wraith Island

  • Necromancer’s Lair: After you get the Graplou item you can find it top right area of the east side of the dungeon.
  • Haunted Manor: Present in the kitchen area of the manor which you can find through a secret area.
  • Wraith Island Docks: Under the walkway.
  • Town of Lucent: Inside the house on the west of the town. Speak to the paintings and give the jam.
  • Town of Lucent: Jump into the water from the top right area, and climb up on the little piece of land.
  • Cursed Woods: In a small cave west of the log bridge.
Sea of Stars Rainbow Conch - locations and how to use Character walking into a structure

Settler’s Island

  • The Crypt: After entering, look at the top right and there will be a chest behind a pillar.
  • Mirth: Unlock the fisherman’s hut and find the chest at the pond.
  • Mirth: Go inside the main building present at the west side of the save point. Go to the roof and you will find the chest behind wooden logs.

Lake Docarria

  • Lake Docarria Town: In the house at the bottom right of town. Climb up and jump into the whirlpool. Swim underwater and go towards the other whirlpool.
  • Lake Docarria Town: In the Merchant’s hidden area. You will need to enter the whirlpool and then go underwater. Come up from the other whirlpool
  • Antsudlo Tower: The last set of rooms before the end of the tower. Lower the water and go back using the top pipe. Travel to the left room and jump down.

Glacial Peak

  • Glacial Peak: After getting the Solstice Amulet, go down the Glacial Peak through the main ladder. Turn left and follow the path towards the small ledge.

Watcher Island

  • Jungle Path: Once you get the Solstice Amulet, solve the Eclipse puzzle. Head inside the cave and climb up the vines. Then follow the vine path that leads to the small ledge.

Stillpond Island

  • Stillpond Island: Found in the fishing location.

These were all the locations where you can find Rainbow Conch. After to collect enough of them, travel to a town called Mirna. There, you will find a young girl and give these Rainbow Conch to her. We won’t spoil what happens after that, but you will get some nice rewards.

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