Redfall grave locks explained

Redfall grave locks explained - shooting monsters
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Redfall is a first-person shooter video game that offers players a lot of interesting features to explore. In this guide, we will take you through Redfall grave locks and what they’re all about.

You can collect items in this game, one of which is the grave locks collectibles. These collectibles are important because they add a lot of depth to the game’s backstory and lore, and can even reward players with useful items.

Let’s find out all you need to know about Redfall grave locks.

What are grave locks in Redfall?

For those who are not familiar with them, grave locks are audio log collectibles that provide additional lore-building information, as well as aid in psychic residue generation, which improves your Ultimate ability. When you find a Grave Lock, it will replay a memory of a person connected to it, thus providing you with more knowledge of Redfall and the events that led to the vampire outbreak, which in turn, enhances your gameplay experience.

But that’s not all. Grave locks can also grant passive bonuses when you reach certain thresholds. So, whether you’re interested in learning more about the game’s story or enhancing your abilities, it’s highly beneficial to seek out these collectibles.

To find grave locks, you need to look in “hidden caches and hard-to-reach places” throughout the game’s world. For instance, there’s one on the second floor of Dr. Addison’s house, right outside Amelia’s room. Also, you will find another grave lock inside the Tempestas Research Vessel.

So, if you want to find all the grave locks in Redfall, you will need to explore every nook and cranny. Remember, there are a ton of grave locks in the game, so keep your eyes peeled! For more guides, don’t forget to check out where to find the Basswood Safehouse key and how to beat the Carpe Noctem Redfall mission