Jagged Alliance 3 custom merc Character taking cover and using a sniper

Jagged Alliance 3 custom merc – how to create

Personalization increases the connection between the game and players and makes every task that players do more meaningful. Jagged Alliance 3 also does this, as in this game you can create your custom mercenary. However, if you are having trouble, this article will shed some light on how you can create a Jagged Alliance 3 custom merc for better presentation.

Constantly looking out for mercenaries and paying hefty fees for them can become frustrating very quickly. So, creating a custom merc with personalized stats is very useful and can also make the game even more fun. This way, players get an option to choose a totally different character to play as. Also, the custom character will better represent their qualities and personality.

So, read on and find out about Jagged Alliance 3 custom merc and how you can create one for your own team.

Jagged Alliance 3 custom merc A lot of characters preparing for battle

Creating custom merc in Jagged Alliance 3

Although this game does not explicitly mentions this feature in its gameplay, players can still access it by following these steps:

  • Go to the A.I.M. Database page.
  • Click on I.M.P. Web tab.
  • Select the ENT option.
  • This will take you to Profiling Menu and select “I will skip this wonderful test and select manually.”
  • This will open the Creating of Merc menu.
  • Now customize your merc.
  • Select the next option to access perks.
  • Press done to finish the process.

You have to pay a high amount of money for this process. However, it is better to pay high prices for a mercenary who is designed for your liking, rather than paying for a mercenary who might not even fit well with your team.

It is highly recommended that you first understand how all of the perks and skills affect the gameplay, before deciding on custom characters. You can do this by looking at the stats and perks of existing mercs and using them as reference points when creating your very own merc. Generally. having high accuracy skills is always desirable.

This is all there is to know about this process. If you liked what you just read then please check out our other content such as Jagged Alliance 3 best mercenaries for your team and Is Mordhau cross-platform? Crossplay explained.