Nintendo Switch Oracle games – how to play Ages and Seasons

Nintendo Switch Oracle games - how to play Ages and Seasons Character holding a sword

Wanna talk about legendary gaming franchises? Well, The Legend of Zelda is definitely one of the biggest. Its games are ubiquitous in the gaming community. Also, they have influenced even the pop culture knowledge of non-gamers. However, when discussing the Zelda games individually, it seems like The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons, and Oracle of Ages always get forgotten. So, to change this crime against gaming, here’s how you can play Zelda Oracle games on Nintendo Switch.

This duo of Zelda games is heavily underrated and totally went under the radar when they were released for the Game Boy Color. They are both critically acclaimed, and gamers who have played them are all in awe of their brilliance. So, now is the time to experience these two amazing Zelda games on one of the best handheld gaming devices.

Keep reading to find out how you can play Zelda Oracle games on Nintendo Switch. Let’s give these two Zelda games the love they deserve.

Nintendo Switch Oracle games - how to play Ages and Seasons Character about to embark on an adventure

How to play Zelda Oracle games on Nintendo Switch

In order to play Zelda Oracle games on your Switch, you need a subscription to Nintendo Switch Online. Indeed, the access to those old Game Boy games comes with a price.

After subscribing to Nintendo Switch Online, you can start updating the Game Boy app to version 1.3.0. You can also link them as long as you have the save files from both games. If you are wondering which game you should play first, just play the one you find most interesting. There is no story to connect the two games, so just choose one.

Keep in mind that these games are from 2001 so the gaming scene was pretty different then. Have an open mind, and don’t get frustrated by the difficult Oracle of Ages. And if you are feeling frustrated, then just start playing Oracle of Seasons. Play them however you like, and enjoy these two very underrated Zelda games.

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