NBA 2k24 face scan not working - how to fix it Character flexing

NBA 2k24 face scan not working – how to fix it

NBA 2k24 lets players be a part of this game, pretty intimately as you can scan your face and put in on your customizable character. This feature takes this game on a different level of immersion and makes you feel like an NBA basketball player who can make 3-pointers like it’s nothing. However, this feature can also be a bit buggy, and you might encounter problems stopping you from scanning your face. So, this article will help you to solve the “not working” error that pops up when you use the face scan in NBA 2k24.

Seeing your face on an avatar in NBA 2k24 is very thrilling. You develop a deeper connection to this game and you are able to escape to this game’s world in a much more detailed manner. All in all, seeing yourself in a video game is just awesome.

In any case, keep reading to find out how you can solve the “not working” error that pops up when you use the face scan in NBA 2k24.

NBA 2k24 face scan not working - how to fix it Character changing their appearance

How to fix the face scan not working?

If you are getting the face scan not working error, then it’s most likely that NBA 2k24 servers are down. So, check the game’s server status. If it’s down, then you will have to wait until they come back online to scan your face.

Usually, this is the main reason behind scanning errors. However, if you are still having trouble getting your face uploaded to the game, then you should take a look at the official face scanning tips that NBA 2k has shared online. The following are some of them:

  • Make sure your face is in even lighting from the front with as few shadows as possible.
  • Hold the phone at eye level.
  • Hold the phone around 18” from your face.
  • Turn your head slowly, 45 degrees max.
  • Remember to keep looking forward when you turn your head.
  • Do not point your chin from side to side.

Hopefully, using these tips will help you make a better face scan. Alternatively, remember to update the MyNBA 2k companion app. Having the latest version resolves a lot of glitches.

If you liked what you just read, then please check out our other articles, such as Starfield On the Run – Should You Kill or Negotiate With Marco? and NBA 2k24 Short Shorts – how to get them.