Monster Hunter Now weapons tier list Character using a bow

Monster Hunter Now weapons tier list

Weapons are going to be a core part of the gameplay in Monster Hunter Now. How else do you think we are going to eliminate them? So, choosing the correct decision becomes a matter of life and death, and you will have to use the best weapon to make meaningful progress in this game. So, to make this task a little easier, this article will provide you with the Monster Hunter Now weapons tier list. Which weapons are best?

This tier list will help you recognize the best weapon in the game. But keep in mind that you also need to consider your own playstyle and which weapon you find the most fun to use. Sometimes practicality can get in the way of entertainment.

Keep reading to find the Monster Hunter Now weapons tier list and choose the best weapons in this game.

Monster Hunter Now weapons tier list Character shooting a monster

Best weapons in Monster Hunter Now

S tier: Sword & Shield and the Great Sword

These two weapons will become accessible very early in the game, and it makes total sense. Sword & Shield is a perfectly balanced weapon and it has a dynamic moveset that is suitable for beginners and veterans alike. The Perfect Rush combo special move will come into clutch many times.

The Great Sword and the Hammer are weapons that can cause heavy damage, but their speed and mobility are also at a respectable level. This is a really important aspect when it comes to landing lethal blows while keeping yourself safe. Besides, the True Charged Slash and Spinning Bludgeon will deal an immense amount of damage.

A tier: Light Bowgun and Bow

The Light Bowgun and the Bow are the only long-ranged weapons in this game, and both of them are great. You can take enemies out from a safe distance and deal with quick attacks that will deplete their health very quickly. And sometimes, they won’t be able to even counter you.

B Tier: Long Sword 

The Long Sword is not the greatest option, and currently, all the weapons are way better than it. Although the speed and continuous attack are nice, the amount of damage it does is not at all impressive. Moreover, you will lose the Spirit Gauge, which increases its damage, the second you get hit. So, it becomes a little frustrating to use.

These are all the best weapons in Monster Hunter Now. If you liked what you just read, then please check out our other articles, such as Paleo Pines beginner’s guide – everything you need to know and Song of Resonance Lost Ark – how to get it.