Jagged Alliance 3 console – can you play on consoles?

Jagged Alliance 3 console - can you play on consoles? Character shooting an enemy

Jagged Alliance 3 has successfully captured the gaming community’s heart with its tactical turn-based combat and engaging characters. It has been a while since a game of this caliber graced us with its presence, and everyone wants to try it out for themselves. However, before they do, we need to know about Jagged Alliance 3 console, if that’s a thing or not.

You can’t just play it on whatever machine you have as it may seriously affect this game’s performance. Moreover, this is a game that requires all of your attention, as there are a lot of elements working together. But we do recommend trying it on the Steam Deck.

In any case, to avoid any possible mistakes, let’s find out if Jagged Alliance 3 console is indeed a thing or not. Make the correct decision when buying this game, for sure.

Jagged Alliance 3 console - can you play on consoles? Character shooting an enemy while taking cover

Can you play Jagged Alliance 3 on Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo platforms?

Unfortunately, no. At the moment, Jagged Alliance 3 has not been released on Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo Switch. It is currently only available on PC. The developers have not put out any official information regarding this game’s availability on the consoles platform, so it’s unlikely Jagged Alliance 3 will be coming to consoles in the near future.

This is pretty sad news for console-exclusive players as Jagged Alliance 3 is a pretty fun game to play. However, they should always keep in mind that strategic RPGs especially ones that use isometric perspectives are generally PC-exclusive. But it’s never too late to buy a decent PC to run this game as the system requirements are actually pretty charitable when compared to other games that have been coming out this season.

Jagged Alliance 3 console - can you play on consoles? Character guarding a bridge

Minimum requirements to run Jagged Alliance 3 on PC

You will need 20 GB of free disk space, 16 GB of RAM, an Intel Core i5-7640X, and an AMD graphics card. All of this can be acquired for a reasonable price and your game will run without the risk of facing any kind of technical error. Hopefully, you never know. Of course, you can also play it mobile, on Steam Deck with solid performance.

This is all there is to know about Jagged Alliance 3’s status on consoles. If you liked what you just read then please check out our other content such as How to get cloth in Stardew Valley – the best way and Is Viewfinder on PS4?