How to Make Fairbreath Potion in Fae Farm Character floating in the air

How to Make Fairbreath Potion in Fae Farm

When you enter the Fae Realm or the Floating Ruins dungeon, exploration can become quite difficult and not so smooth due to the amount of Miasma fog you will encounter. Standing in it for just a second will cause heavy damage. And unfortunately, due to this annoying fog, many of the areas in this game will be blocked behind it. However, you can consume a Fairbreath Potion to make Miasma more tolerable, and you will be able to successfully pass through without too much problem. So, this article will highlight how you can craft a Fairbreath Potion in Fae Farm.

Brewing this potion will help you fight against this unfair environmental obstacle. It is truly frustrating when the biggest villain in this game comes in the form of something you cannot even directly attack and eliminate. What a bummer.

Anyway, keep reading to find out how you can create a Fairbreath Potion in Fae Farm and fight back against Miasma.

How to Make Fairbreath Potion in Fae Farm Character brewing a potion

How to craft a Fairbreath Potion in Fae Farm?

There are three sizes of Firebreath Potions you can craft: small, medium, and large. The following are all the resources you need for each size and how you can get them:


  • Steel Cut Clover x2 : You can transform Clover Feed into Steel Cut Clocer with the help of a Potion Ingredient Station.
  • Blob Gobs x1: Catch Bloblins with advanced net and put them into Fae Critter Conservatory. They will produce Blob Gobs. You can find a lot of them in the Fae Realm.


  • Steel Cut Clover x3: Same as the above.
  • Blob Gobs x2: Same as the above.
  • Spore Essence x2: You will need to turn Sporeweed into Spore Essence with the help of Potion Ingredients Station.


  • Steel Cut Clover x4: Same as the above.
  • Blob Gobs x3: Same as the above.
  • Spore Essence x3: Same as the above.
  • Blue Starch Bits x2: You will need to plant and grow potatoes in Fae Soil Beds. Then, use the Magic Crop Swap Fertilizer to turn them into Azure Spuds. Then, put Azure Spuds into the Potion Ingredients Station and you will get Blue Starch Bits.

If you don’t know the recipe for Potion Ingredients Station and Potion Brewing Cauldron, then follow the steps below:

Potion Brewing Cauldron

  • x2 Iron Ingot.
  • x2 Oak Lumber.
  • x20 Rough Citrine.
  • x20 Rough Peridot.
  • x2 Copper Ingot.

Potion Ingredients Station 

  • Fluterwood Lumber x2
  • Clay Brick x5
  • Glass x2

The size of the Firebreath Potion will determine how long its effect will stay activated. The small one will stay activated for 6 in-game hours, the medium one for 9 in-game hours, and finally, the large one will stay activated for 15 in-game hours.

This is how you craft Firebreath Potion. If you liked what you just read, then please check out our other articles, such as Fae Farm Flower seeds guide – all seeds and how to plant and Fae Farm Crops guide – how to get them all.