How to revive Damned Followers in Cult of the Lamb - performing a Sermon.

Cult of the Lamb Damned Followers – how to revive them

Are you looking to revive damned followers in Cult of the Lamb Sins of the Flesh? Let’s go through everything you should know. One of the new features in the famous and fan-requested sex update is the ability to revive dissented and damned followers. Thankfully, it’s easy to do, and you can finally get your followers back instead of having to sacrifice and lose them completely. Without further delay, here’s every detail you should know regarding the new update.

How to revive Damned Followers in Cult of the Lamb - performing a Sermon.

How to revive Damned Followers in Cult of the Lamb Sins of the Flesh

To revive damned and dissented followers in Cult of the Lamb, start completing Crusades, and you’ll be able to find them there. Once you find them three times during a Crusade, you’ll have the option to resurrect them in your village. Just make sure to kill them all three times during the Crusade, and that’s all.

Also, there’s a chance that you won’t find the damned follower you want. If that happens, make sure to wait until the Sinned Follower encounter event happens first; then, you’ll be able to find that follower in the Crusades. Thankfully, this is true for all your followers, and there are no exceptions.

To wrap this up, all you need to do to revive damned and dissented followers in CotL Sins of the Flesh is to find them three times during a Crusade. If you can’t find them, wait and keep an eye out for an upcoming Sinned Follower update, and then you’ll find them in a Crusade. This is true for all followers, and it’s great that there’s finally a way to bring them back to life. Before leaving, consider also checking out our other content on how to increase population in New Cycle and how to upgrade weapons in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

Harry Mourtzanakis

Harry has been a gaming fan ever since the days of Gameboy Advance and over the past 20 years, the one thing that has remained stable is his love for anything video game-related. Nowadays, you'll see him enjoying almost any type of game including FPS, survival, RPG, farming sims, and soulslike titles. Sometimes it’s all about action and intense fights, and others it’s better to relax in a cozy farmhouse. Combined with his Master's in Philosophy, Harry is able to share his passion for gaming through guides, reviews, and more.