Blasphemous 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the acclaimed action-platformer Blasphemous, introduces a new mechanic that revolves around the accumulation of Guilt. This subtle yet impactful layer adds an intriguing element to the gameplay experience. But what exactly causes this Blasphemous 2 Guilt, and should you take the opportunity to purge yourself of it?
Guilt is primarily accumulated when the player meets their demise in-game and fails to collect their guilt fragment. It serves as a reminder of past mistakes and failures. As you explore the City of the Blessed Name, you will encounter an NPC known as the Confessor, who offers the option to purge this accumulated Guilt. But should you make use of this opportunity?
Let’s find out whether you should purge yourself of your Blasphemous 2 Guilt and how to do it.
How to purge yourself of your guilt
In order to purge yourself, you should go to the confessor in the City and ask him to remove the guilt you’ve accumulated. Purging your Guilt is essential for several reasons. One of the most significant impacts of Guilt is on your Fervour bar. When Guilt reaches certain increments, your Fervour bar becomes impaired, limiting your ability to use Prayers and Hidden Verses effectively. This can be particularly detrimental in the early stages of the game, where these spells play a crucial role in dealing damage to enemies.
Even if you diligently collect your guilt fragment after each death, you will still accumulate 2% of Guilt. With every 20% increase in Guilt, your Fervour gauge will become further impaired. This means that Guilt will continue to hinder your gameplay experience unless you take action to purge it.
High guilt levels consequences
There are several consequences of not purging yourself of guilt. In fact, a higher level of Guilt resulted in taking more damage than usual. This realization came to me while experimenting with a specific figurine that promised increased damage at higher Guilt levels.
However, I soon discovered that the additional damage boost provided by the figurine was not worth the increased damage I was taking. It became evident that purging myself of Guilt was necessary to overcome the challenges posed by powerful bosses.
Monitoring Your Guilt Level
To keep track of your Guilt level in the game, access the menu by pressing the Start button and navigating to the far left tab called “The Penitent One.” On the left side of the screen, beneath your bile flasks, you will find a percentage indicator and a corresponding word. When your Guilt is below 20%, it will be labeled as “Immaculatus.” This gauge provides a visual representation of your Guilt level.
The Cost of Purging Guilt
Purging yourself of Guilt in Blasphemous 2 comes at a cost. Tears of Atonement are required to cleanse your soul and reclaim your Fervour meter. The cost of purging Guilt increases as you progress through the game.
This of course goes along with the enemies becoming stronger and stronger. Initially, purging yourself may cost around 1000 Tears of Atonement, but the price escalates to 2000 and even 10000 Tears as you near the endgame.
That’s everything you to need know in this guide. If you find this helpful, check out our other guides, such as Blasphemous 2 Fervent Kiss guide – all locations and Blasphemous 2 Altarpiece of Favours – best combos