stardew valley how to rotate furniture a late stage farm

How to rotate furniture in Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is everyone’s favorite relaxing farming simulator and cozy game. Keep animals and craft artisan goods, plant a butt-load of crops and spend your whole day watering them until you’re tired, go fishing, and head down the mines and take on those dastardly slimes. But, when all is said and done, you just want to customize your home. One question that always crops up when it comes to this is how to rotate furniture in Stardew Valley.

It’s a valid point, too. You spend all that time and effort toiling away in the fields to get that sweet gold, and when you finally buy some furniture, you want it to look just right. Learning how to rotate furniture in Stardew Valley is one of the best ways to do this because no longer will you have to deal with having chairs and tables facing funky directions.

Read on below to find out how you can turn furniture in ConcernedApe’s brilliant and chilled-out life simulator. Welcome to Pelican Town.

How to rotate furniture in Stardew Valley

While you have a piece of furniture in your inventory selected, right-click the mouse on PC, Press A on Switch and Xbox, or press X on PlayStation to rotate furniture. Doing this will make the piece of furniture turn before you place it on the ground.

Not all furniture can be rotated and you must be close enough to the intended placement area so that the furniture turns green to rotate it. If the furniture is red, then it means you cannot place that piece of furniture in that position. Of course, what can be placed where is all trial and error, so get out there and get to rotating!

That’s how to rotate furniture in Stardew Valley. To find out more tips and tricks for the farming game, read our best way to make money in Stardew Valley guide, or our how to fish guide to catch those pesky little water-dwellers.