Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian key locations – where to find

Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian key locations - where to find two characters running in castle
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There are plenty of collectibles to find in Hogwarts Legacy, and one of them is the Daedalian key. Gryffindor student Nellie Oggspire will ask you to investigate these flying keys. In this guide, we will tell you all about the Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian key locations.

These keys have a puzzle that you need to unlock, and they are scattered around the open world map. Some of them are more difficult to find than others, so you might need some help.

Well, that’s what this guide is for. Let’s find out where to find all the Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian key locations!

Where to find all the Daedalian key locations in Hogwarts Legacy

You will need to find the initial location of the key, and it will fly off to a new location where you can actually catch it. Here are all the locations of the Daedalian keys we could find:

  • At the top of the stairs in the Entrance Hall, leading you towards the eastern wall.
  • Down in the Dungeons on the right side, leading to the cabinet.
  • In the northwest corner of the ground floor of the library, leading to the northeast corner of the library.
  • Near a painting of an old wizard with a white beard on the Grand Staircase, leading you back to the bottom
  • Near the Prefect guard in the Faculty Tower, leading back downstairs.
  • Next to the Levioso Statue in the Quad Courtyard, leading back to the entrance.
  • Next to the stone dragon statue in the Dungeon, leading upstairs to a nearby cabinet.
  • On the rhinoceros skeleton up the stairs from the main hall towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, leading to a nearby cabinet.
  • On the staircase of the North Hall when you enter from the Transfiguration Courtyard, leading to the top of the stairs near the portrait of a drumming woman.
  • On the wall of paintings in Central Hall where you learned how to brew potions, leading to the other end of the Central Hall.
  • On top of the Astronomy Tower leading to the classroom.
  • Outside the Potions classroom in Central Hall, leading you down the nearby staircase.

Now you can be sure you will easily find all the Daedalian key locations in Hogwarts Legacy! Make sure to also check out wand customization options and is Hogwarts Legacy coming to game pass?