High On Life a Starfish is born – how to unlock the achievement

High on Life a Starfish is Born globo with drum

The pleasures of playing a crazy FPS are always great and seemingly neverending, especially if a game has so much great and fun content as High on Life. Even chasing the achievements can be great fun, right? That’s why we are here to help you chase a couple of the more hard-to-get ones, we’re here to tell you how to unlock the High on Life a Starfish is born achievement.

The game has been taking off ever since its release on Game Pass and it’s already one of the top-ever most-played titles on Microsoft’s store. Well, we definitely know why as it feels like playing a Rick & Morty spin-off episode, coupled with a pretty solid first-person shooter as well.

But let’s get down to business, here’s how to get the High on Life A Starfish is Born achievement in High on Life.

How to get the A Starfish is Born achievement in High on Life

There are a few steps you need to complete to help Globo reach stardom. Let’s take a look:

  1. At the pawnshop, yes the one at the start of the game, you will find a drum. It is on the counter on the right side. Pick it up as soon as you’re able.
  2. In Blim City, next to your house, there are two guys, close to a building wall.
  3. One of them is named Globo and he looks quite strange. Give the drum to him.
  4. Now go off and play the game a bit, then come back and you’ll find Globo has already learned how to be a proficient drummer and gathered a few fans.
  5. Go off and do some more bounty hunting, return and… Globo is nowhere to be found. Yes, he is on his way to becoming famous, and you are on your way to getting that a Starfish is Born achievement in High on Life.
  6. After this, you’ll start seeing his face on posters on the wall. As you continue to progress through the game, he’ll start performing on TV, as soon as you see him, then you’ll get the Starfish is Born achievement.

So, it might be elusive but it is pretty simple to complete. If you’re looking for how to get the most out of your High on Life playthrough, take a look at our other guides, like whether to stab Gene or not or whether to watch the bike or not in the comedy game!