Best class for Yunaka Fire Emblem Engage explained

Best class for Yunaka Fire Emblem Engage explained yunaka looking at you
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In Fire Emblem Engage, you will meet a lot of characters who you can bond with, and they will fight for you. Yunaka is one of the characters you will come across in the turn-based RPG. So, we will show you the best class for Yunaka in Fire Emblem Engage!

Yunaka is one of the two independent characters who you can recruit in the game. She is famous for being a “jack-of-all-trades”, so you might have a hard time picking out a good class for her.

That’s why we’re here to help you out. Let’s find out how to achieve the best class for Yunaka in Fire Emblem Engage!

Fire Emblem Engage Yunaka – best class

You will come across Yunaka for the first time in Chapter 6: The Stolen Ring where you will be able to recruit her. It happens automatically after a battle with her, and you will become friends with the Thief with an S proficiency. As you see, she has no natural path up the class promotion tree. 

Your first option is to keep Yunaka as a Thief. She will prosper as she has the strongest stat growths for the thief class. With her natural growth rates for dexterity and speed, she will be able to inflict significant damage including poison and sneak attacks.

Secondly, you can use the class of Swordmaster for Yunaka. This is because she also possesses the S proficiency for Swordmaster. You can make Yunaka a Swordmaster using the Master Seal, after which she can become a Wolf Knight. The Hobble Skill will greatly benefit her. 

Now that you know what classes are best for Yunaka in Fire Emblem Engage, you can make an informed choice! If you want to explore more characters and what you should pick for them, feel free to take a look at our guide for the Best class for Anna. Or, you might like a tutorial on how to unlock Fortune telling in Fire Emblem Engage.