Error code 279 Roblox ID 17 explained

Error code 279 Roblox ID 17 explained -player running with helicopter in background
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Roblox is a popular platform for making custom games, but it is not immune to errors. In this guide we will take you through error code 279 Roblox ID 17.

When playing Roblox on a computer, you might see an error message of Code 279. This error usually happens when your internet connection is poor, there are issues with the game’s developers, or there are firewall problems.

Let’s find out more about this issue and how you can fix it in this error code 279 Roblox ID 17 guide!

How to fix Roblox error code 279 ID 17

If you see this particular error code in Roblox, it means that something is stopping you from connecting to the game server. Let’s look into the possible issues:

  • Poor Internet Connection: If your internet service provider (ISP) is having issues or if your home is in a poor location for internet connectivity, the connection speeds may drop. Low bandwidth prevents you from playing games smoothly.
  • Developer Errors: Roblox experiences periodic updates from its developers. Sometimes, a new update can introduce glitches into the game which need to be ironed out.
  • Firewall Issues: Windows Firewall is an app that protects you from harm, but it has been known to block games. You can disable your firewall or adjust the settings so the game isn’t stopped. 

To fix Error Code 279, try these solutions:

  • Restart your router if your internet connection is slow.
  • Disable or configure your firewall to allow Roblox.
  • Use a supported browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
  • Disable browser add-ons like AdBlocker.
  • Open ports by port forwarding.
  • Turn off your third-party antivirus software.
  • Restart your computer.

We hope that this guide helped you fix error 279 in Roblox. Feel free to check out our other guides such as how to fix some studio files are missing or corrupted and what is Roblox heat