Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 – parts not discovered explained

car mechanic simulator 2021 parts not discovered shiny vehicle that was fixed

When people send their vehicle to a shop for repairs, they don’t always know how that problem came to be. Perhaps it’s that strange noise that keeps on coming back? This realism might be confusing when applied to a video game. So let’s find out all about the parts not discovered in Car Mechanic Simulator 2021.

It can be frustrating not always knowing what to do in games like these, though it adds to the realism. Plus it can take a good amount of time to figure out what’s wrong with the in-game parts.

Hopefully, we can guide players through their parts not discovered in Car Mechanic Simulator 2021, so they can have a easier time finding out how to fix that pesky vehicle.

Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 parts not discovered explained

So, what is happening is that owners are taking in their cars but don’t know what the problem is. Players get “parts not discovered” when taking on missions where owners don’t know what’s wrong with their car. As they complete these missions, identifying these parts will become easier, along with the objective at hand.

Of course, continuing these missions means that players will have to do some extreme stuff to discover these parts. Sometimes, you will have to completely dismantle all of the parts and fix them to discover what’s wrong.

During these missions, players can use Inspection Mode to focus on parts and find their problems quicker. Check every part of the vehicle to make sure no part is left behind and find the issue.

We’re sure that some don’t find the idea of breaking every part appealing but the end result is pretty fulfilling. No feeling beats finding everything wrong with the vehicle and fixing it to gain some fictional cash.

This can be a pretty time-consuming task, especially since repairing some of these cars already takes some time. Granted, players did pick this game up to experience this life, so maybe they will find this appealing.

Hopefully, all of this helps you discover your parts in this satisfying simulation sim. For more information and help on Car Mechanic Simulator 2021, you can definitely check out more of our guides, such as blue currency and how to get car in the garage