Best Adept build in Dark Envoy - Vasso during a storyline cutscene.

Best Adept build in Dark Envoy – specialization and skills

Are you looking for the best Adept build in Dark Envoy? Here’s what you need to know, including the best specialization and class skills. The Adept is primarily a mage unit and can either play as a damage-oriented spellcaster or as a support unit with healing magic, depending on the specialization you choose. While there are various useful builds for this class, one manages to stand out due to being more helpful overall to the team. Let’s examine the best attributes, class skills, and specialization skills for the Adept.

Best Adept build in Dark Envoy - Vasso attribute point distribution.

Best Adept build in Dark Envoy

As a magical unit, the Adept utilizes magic to deal damage, heal and buff allies, and debuff enemies from afar. Based on that, the best Adept build in Dark Envoy involves using the Combat Medic specialization and increasing the Power attribute before anything else.


The best Adept attribute to max first is Power, as it increases all the stats you need: mana, mana regeneration, and skill power. With this attribute maxed, you will have enough mana to always use your spells while also dealing more damage and healing more efficiently.

Secondarily, you can consider increasing Speed, Mastery, or Endurance based on what you need the most. Speed will increase mobility, Mastery will focus on hp and mana regeneration, and Endurance will grant you defensive stats if you end up on low HP too often.

Best Adept class skills

The best Adept skills in Dark Envoy allow for a mix of damage and healing magic.

  • Ice Bolts: Throws multiple bolts at enemies in front that apply Vulnerable and Frostbite
  • Mana Pool (passive): Increases available mana
  • Freeze Spike: Summons a spike at the target area that deals AoE damage and applies Frostbite
  • Fire Weapons: Enhances the weapons of all allies with fire and causes them to apply Burn
  • Weapon Overcharge (passive): Weapon charges up and every few attacks, your next attack deals significantly more damage

Ice Bolts and Freeze Spike will be your go-to DPS spells that can be spammed easily, while Weapon Overcharge will increase your overall damage. Mana Pool will make it easier to spam spells often while Fire Weapons will increase the DPS of your entire team.

Consider pairing the Adept with our best Warrior build in Dark Envoy so that you’ll have a great melee DPS unit in your team.

Best Adept build in Dark Envoy - Best class and specialization skill build for Vasso.

Best Combat Medic specialization skills

Since the goal is to create a unit that focuses on supportive healing magic, the best specialization for the Adept is the Combat Medic. Following that, the best Combat Medic specialization skills are the following:

  • Medic Golem: Follows you and takes 50% of the damage you would have taken. Also, instead of attacking, it heals you and all nearby allies
  • Self-Preservation (passive): Whenever you cast a skill, gain HP and Mana regeneration
  • Healer’s Peace: Buffs all allies in an area with increased attack speed and HP regen while damaging all enemies and inflicting slow, weakness, or vulnerable
  • Dedication (passive): Gain increased skill power whenever you cast a skill
  • Channel Life: Casts a channeling beam that continuously heals the targeted ally

Self-Preservation and Medic Golem will help you stay alive, while Healer’s Peace, Channel Life, and Dedication will ensure all your allies are healthy and buffed. Overall, the Combat Medic is an extremely useful addition to any team as their buffs and heals are helpful and even necessary in most fights.

In conclusion, the best Adept build in Dark Envoy focuses on maxing the Power stat and uses the Combat Medic specialization. With the right skills, the Adept will offer amazing utility to your team by helping all allies stay alive while also increasing their overall DPS.

If you enjoyed reading this article and are looking for a strong DPS unit to pair with the Adept, check out our guide on the best Ranger build in Dark Envoy.

Harry Mourtzanakis

Harry has been a gaming fan ever since the days of Gameboy Advance and over the past 20 years, the one thing that has remained stable is his love for anything video game-related. Nowadays, you'll see him enjoying almost any type of game including FPS, survival, RPG, farming sims, and soulslike titles. Sometimes it’s all about action and intense fights, and others it’s better to relax in a cozy farmhouse. Combined with his Master's in Philosophy, Harry is able to share his passion for gaming through guides, reviews, and more.