
Banishers Ghosts of New Eden – best settings for max FPS

Welcome to this quick guide on Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden best settings for maximum performance. Optimizing your settings is crucial for ensuring a smooth gameplay experience. Please note that the following tips are specifically for Windows 10 and 11 systems.

If you’re interested in optimizing your system further, including Windows 10 and 11, or specific graphics cards like Infinia, you can find additional guides in the video description. It’s important to optimize your settings to achieve the best performance possible.

How to Parry in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden fighting a boss

Optimization in Video Settings

Optimizing the video settings in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is essential for achieving the best performance. By adjusting various options, you can enhance the gameplay experience on your Windows 10 or 11 system. This section will guide you through the different video settings and their impact on performance.

Screen Settings

Start by accessing the options menu and navigating to the video settings. In the screen section, ensure that the display mode is set to full screen for optimal performance. Borderless full screen can also be used on most PCs without significant differences. Match your screen resolution to the display or at least ensure compatibility. Set the maximum refresh rate to unlimited and adjust the gamma according to your preference.

Vsync and Anisotropic Filtering

Disable vsync unless you experience screen tearing, and set anisotropic filtering to TAA for improved visual quality. These settings play a crucial role in enhancing the graphics and performance of the game.

Resolution Scaling and Performance Impact

Resolution scaling allows you to adjust the resolution of the game. Setting it to 100 enables native resolution without any upscaling. Higher resolution scaling values may impact performance but can offer better visual fidelity. Consider the capabilities of your system and choose the appropriate resolution scaling option for optimal performance.

Nvidia DLSS and FSR

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden offers options like Nvidia DLSS and FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution) for improved performance and visual quality. Nvidia DLSS is available on Nvidia graphics cards from the 2000 series, while FSR can be used on any hardware. Both options provide similar performance and visual fidelity enhancements. Additionally, Nvidia DLSS offers frame generation for RTX 40 series or above, further improving performance.

Remember to optimize your game settings first before enabling Nvidia DLSS FG. This option reduces input latency and enhances the overall gameplay experience. Adjust the sharpness settings of DLSS and FSR if you find the visuals blurry.

Lastly, Nvidia Reflex Low Latency can be enabled to reduce input latency but may not have a significant impact on most setups. Consider enabling this option if your GPU is limiting performance or adjust it based on your specific hardware configuration.

By experimenting with these video settings, you can optimize Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden for the best performance on your system. Remember to balance performance and visual quality based on your preferences and hardware capabilities.

Graphics Quality and Performance

When it comes to optimizing Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden settings for the best performance, graphics quality presets play a significant role. These presets determine the level of detail and visual effects in the game, which directly impact performance. Higher graphics quality presets generally result in better visual fidelity but can require more processing power, leading to lower FPS.

Motion blur is another graphics setting that can affect both performance and gameplay experience. While it adds a sense of realism and smoothness to movements, it can also introduce visual artifacts and reduce FPS. If you’re sensitive to motion blur or experience stuttering, it’s recommended to disable this option.

The performance difference between different graphics quality presets can be quite significant. Lower presets, such as “Low” or “Medium,” prioritize performance by reducing the level of detail and visual effects. On the other hand, higher presets like “High” or “Very High” offer better visual fidelity but may require more powerful hardware to maintain smooth gameplay.

Texture quality is another crucial factor that influences both visual quality and performance. Higher texture quality settings can enhance the level of detail in textures, but they also require more VRAM (Video Random Access Memory). If your graphics card has limited VRAM, choosing lower texture quality settings can help improve performance.

Post-processing and anti-aliasing are additional graphics settings that impact both visual quality and performance. Post-processing effects, such as lighting and depth of field, enhance the overall visual experience but can put additional strain on your system. Anti-aliasing helps to smooth out jagged edges and improve image quality but can also have a performance impact. It’s recommended to choose anti-aliasing options that suit your hardware capabilities and preference.

By adjusting these graphics settings, you can find the right balance between visual quality and performance in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. Experimenting with different presets and options allows you to optimize the game for your specific system and preferences. Remember to consider the capabilities of your hardware and find the settings that provide the best gameplay experience for you.

Advanced Graphics Options

When it comes to optimizing Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden settings for the best performance, there are several advanced graphics options to consider. These options can have a significant impact on both visual quality and performance. Let’s take a closer look at each of these options:

View Distance Quality

The view distance quality setting determines how far high-quality models are loaded in the game. This option can impact performance, especially in busy areas with many objects. Higher view distance quality settings may result in lower FPS, but they can also reduce pop-in and improve overall visual fidelity. Consider adjusting this option based on your hardware capabilities and preferences.

Foliage Quality

The foliage quality setting affects the density and detail of foliage in the game. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is known for its lush environments, so this option can have a significant impact on performance. Higher foliage quality settings can create a more immersive experience, but they may also require more processing power. If you’re experiencing FPS drops or stuttering, consider lowering the foliage quality to improve performance.

Effects Quality

The effects quality setting determines the level of detail and complexity of various visual effects in combat scenarios. This option can impact both visual quality and performance. Higher effects quality settings can enhance the visual spectacle during combat, but they may also put additional strain on your system. Consider adjusting this option based on your preference for visual fidelity and combat experience.

Shadow Quality

The shadow quality setting controls the level of detail and realism of shadows in the game. Shadows play a crucial role in creating a sense of depth and immersion. Higher shadow quality settings can improve visual fidelity, but they can also cause a significant drop in FPS. If you prioritize performance, consider lowering the shadow quality. However, if you value a more realistic and immersive experience, higher shadow quality settings may be preferable.

HDD Compatibility Mode

The HDD compatibility mode option affects how the game’s files are loaded from your drive. This option is particularly relevant if you’re playing Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden from a hard drive rather than an SSD. Enabling HDD compatibility mode can help reduce hitching and stuttering, providing a more consistent gameplay experience. However, if you’re playing from an SSD, it’s recommended to leave this option disabled.

By understanding and adjusting these advanced graphics options, you can optimize Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden for the best performance on your system. Remember to consider your hardware capabilities, personal preferences, and the balance between visual quality and performance. Experimentation with these options will help you find the optimal settings for your gameplay experience.

Audio and Accessibility Settings

Optimizing audio and accessibility settings in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden can greatly enhance your gameplay experience. By customizing these settings, you can ensure clear dialogue, immersive sound, and easy navigation. Here are some key points to consider:

Night Mode Option for Intelligible Dialogue

If you’re struggling to hear dialogue clearly, enable the Night Mode option in the audio settings. This setting enhances dialogue and makes it more intelligible, especially in intense gameplay moments.

Speaker Type Options and Relevance

Choose the appropriate speaker type option based on your sound setup. For most players, using headphones provides a more immersive 3D audio experience. However, you can explore other options like TV or Soundbar depending on your setup.

Headphones for a More Immersive Experience

For the best audio immersion, it’s recommended to play Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden with headphones. This allows you to fully experience the game’s sound effects, music, and dialogue, enhancing your overall gameplay experience.

Customization Options for Sound Clarity

Adjust the volume levels and settings for individual audio elements, such as dialogue, music, and sound effects. This customization allows you to fine-tune the sound clarity according to your preferences and audio setup.

Option to Disable Parallax for Menu Inventory Navigation

If the parallax effect in the menu inventory navigation is causing discomfort or making it difficult to navigate, you can disable it. Simply go to the language and accessibility settings, and turn off the Parallax option. This will provide a smoother and more user-friendly menu navigation experience.

By utilizing these audio and accessibility settings, you can optimize Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden for a more immersive and enjoyable gameplay experience. Whether it’s enhancing dialogue clarity, selecting the right speaker type, using headphones, customizing sound clarity, or disabling parallax, these settings give you the flexibility to tailor the game to your preferences.

In conclusion, optimizing the settings for best performance in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is essential for a smooth gameplay experience. By adjusting video settings such as screen resolution, vsync, anisotropic filtering, and resolution scaling, players can enhance both performance and visual quality. Additionally, options like Nvidia DLSS and FSR offer further improvements in performance and fidelity. Experimenting with different graphics quality presets, including motion blur, texture quality, post-processing, and anti-aliasing, allows players to find the right balance between visual quality and performance. Advanced graphics options like view distance quality, foliage quality, effects quality, and shadow quality can have a significant impact on both visual quality and performance. Lastly, optimizing audio and accessibility settings, such as enabling night mode and using headphones, can greatly enhance the overall gameplay experience.