Balatro best jokers - selection of joker from Balatro

Balatro joker tier list – best jokers to win the run

Cards, they are a source of joy but also a source of pain. Especially if you’re desperately looking to bring home a successful run and you keep losing again and again. So that’s why you want all the Balatro best jokers that you can use to bring home a victory. Keep reading to find out our personal Balatro joker tier list.

The best jokers in Balatro are indeed many and of course, they also depend on your style of playing and what you’re looking for in a run. Also, useful to remember that many of them will have to be unlocked.

Without further ado, let’s look at the best jokers in Balatro.

Best jokers in Balatro

As of now our favorite jokers in Balatro are Banner, Blue Joker, Castle, Jolly Joker and Mystic Summit.

But you might also want to take a look at our tier list:

SBanner, Ice Cream, Blue Joker, Bull, Castle, Jolly Joker, Mystic Summit, Raised Fist, Supernova, Chaos the Clown, Cavendish, Card Sharp, Hologram, Ancient Joker, The Duo, Chicot,
ALusty Joker, Wrathful Joker, Gluttonous Joker, Sly Joker, Devious Joker, Crafty Joker, Misprint, Scary Face, Scholar, Runner, Greedy Joker Hiker, Riff-raff, Shortcut, Vagabond, Rocket, Midas Mask, The Trio, Golden Joker, Spare Trousers, Smiley Face, Sock and Buskin, Swashbuckler, Smeared Joker, Blueprint, Reserved Parking, To the Moon, Fortune Teller, Seeing Double, The Order, The Tribe, Brainstorm, Satellite, Astronomer, Burnt Joker
BDroll Joker, Wily Joker, Four Fingers, Dusk, Abstract Joker, Delayed Gratification, Even Steven, Odd Todd, Business Card, Space Joker, Splash, Constellation, Green Joker, Square Joker, Seance, Baron, Zany Joker, Crazy Joker, Luchador, Photograph, Gift Card, Turtle Bean, Erosion, Hallucination, Juggler, Drunkard, Baseball Card, Flash Card, Popcorn, Ramen, Walkie Talkie, Seltzer, Golden Ticket, Acrobat, Rough Gem, Arrowhead, Onyx Agate, Showman, Shoot the Moon, Driver’s License, Cartomancer, Bootstraps, Canio
CJoker, Mad Joker, Clever Joker, Marble Joker, Loyalty Card, 8 Ball, Fibonacci, Steel Joker, Hack, Gros Michel, Blackboard, DNA, Oops! All 6s, The Family, Sixth Sense, Faceless Joker, Superposition, To Do List, Red Card, Madness, Vampire, Obelisk, Mail-In Rebate, Stone Joker, Lucky Cat, Campfire, Troubadour, Certificate, Throwback, Hanging Chad, Bloodstone, Glass Joker, Flower Pot, Wee Joker, Merry Andy, Matador, Hit the Road, Stuntman, Invisible Joker, Yorick
DThe Idol, Half Joker, Joker Stencil, Mime, Credit Card, Ceremonial Dagger, Ride the Bus, Egg, Burglar, Cloud 9, Diet Cola, Trading Card

For example, Mystic Summit is one of our favorites because it gives you a massive +15 multiplayer when you have no more discard. So you might want to save your best hands at the end and then play them all in a single rush to get those sweet sweet chips. Naturally, that is also a dangerous way of playing but hey, who ever said life was riskfree?

Or also, Castle will grant you +3 Chips per discarded card from a random suit, since the suit will change every round. That is a good one that you can plan around while you’re waiting for Mystic Summit to activate.

Generally speaking, the ideal combination is having Jokers that will grant you Mult on every hand or specific hands that you can plan for. Also, naturally chips and multiplier. You might also want to work towards building up combos between jokers themselves.

What are your favorite jokers in Balatro? Let us know on our social media, and you might also want to check out our review of Airhead, if you’re looking for a new game to play.