Vampire Survivors final fireworks – see the final fireworks explained

Vampire Survivors final fireworks - see the final fireworks explained - walking through final corridor
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The achievement “see the final fireworks” is unlocked by completing a monumental task in the exciting “casual” game by Poncle studios. In this guide, we will take you through everything you need to know about Vampire Survivors final fireworks.

You can earn this achievement in Vampire Survivors by defeating the final boss, The Director. Once you manage to unlock this in-game achievement, you will receive a new and powerful weapon called the Greatest Jubilee.

Let’s find out all about how to watch those incredible Vampire Survivors final fireworks.

How to see the final fireworks in Vampire Survivors 

To unlock the Greatest Jubilee and “see the final fireworks” in Vampire Survivors, you need to defeat the final boss, The Director. But first, you have to find all eleven standard Relics in the game. Once you have all the relics, you can access the Eudaimonia Machine, a secret stage in Vampire Survivors known in the game as Eudaimonia M.

To get the Relics in Vampire Survivors, follow these steps:

  • Find Ars Gouda on the far south side of the Dairy Plant.
  • Defeat Sketamari in The Bone Zone using the Milky Way Map to obtain Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane.
  • Purchase Glass Vizard from the Moongolow merchant for 10,000 Gold.
  • Purchase Golden Egg from the Moongolow merchant for 10,000 Gold.
  • Defeat the Ender in Cappella Magna to unlock Great Gospel.
  • Find Grim Grimoire on the far west side of the Inlaid Library.
  • Find Magic Banger on the far east side of the Green Acres.
  • Find Milky Way Map on the far south side of the Dairy Plant.
  • Fill 50 entries in the Collection to unlock Mindbender.
  • Find Sorceress’ Tears on the far south side of Gallo Tower.
  • Find Yellow Sign at the end of the Holy Forbidden.

After you have the Relics, get Gracia’s Mirror and the Seventh Trumpet from the Eudaimonia M to face The Director, and finally “see the final fireworks” while being granted the powerful weapon, the Greatest Jubilee.

That’s all you need to know on how to see the final fireworks in Vampire Survivors. Why not check out how to unlock and evolve the pentagram and what is the yellow sign