Stuck in a rough desert with sand all around, we are finally saved by an old man who seems to have been studying aliens a lot. Yes, you have been playing Planet of Lana indeed. But did you figure out how to wake up the robot? We’ll help you solve the Planet of Lana musical notes puzzle.
While the puzzle does refer to a sequence of notes we have heard before, there is no need to go back to study it because all the clues are right there on the screen. This handy guide will help you solve the whole puzzle, though, so you’ve come to the right place.
So, without further waffling on, let’s get to using our brains and solve the Planet of Lana musical notes puzzle so you can progress and beat the whole game.
How to solve the Planet of Lana musical notes puzzle
In order to solve this puzzle, you need to input five notes by using the switches on the respective columns. What notes, you say? The right ones to wake up the robot, as you can see from the two clues before, there are several compositions at your disposal. But you really only need one.
Here is the clue you need to look at in detail with the sequence we need:
The one we need is indicated on the first clue you pass on your way to the machine, right there in the bottom left. But, while we have indications on how to input one note, what about the others? The other two notes you need (since two of them repeat) you can find in the second clue.
Here’s the clue for the final note:
You don’t need the sequence up above at the moment, so make sure you just focus on the five notes (well, three of them) and input them in the five columns.
Then, go to the right and press the switch, and the robot will power up.
Here’s the selection you need to input:
This solves the Planet of Lana musical notes puzzle. If you need more help on the game, check out our guides on the game such as on the tubes puzzle.