Merciless Remnant 2 – how to get the gun

Merciless Remnant 2 - how to get the gun Character reloading his revolver

When it comes to weapons in Remnant 2, Merciless always takes up most of the conversation as not only is it considered one of the best assault rifles in the game, but unlocking it also takes a considerable amount of time. Merciless also visually looks strange and fantastical, so players who are into that type of aesthetic will love to wield it. So, here’s how you can get Merciless in Remnant 2, one big gun as AC/DC would put it.

It also deals high damage and can cause bleeding. Making it a great weapon for taking out hordes of enemies at once. Moreover, if you are looking for a weapon that can take down bosses from a safe distance then don’t look any further than Merciless due to its amazing accuracy.

So, keep reading this article and find out how you can get Merciless in Remnant 2, and get ready to eliminate a huge number of enemies in this game.

Merciless Remnant 2 - how to get the gun Character at shooting range

Here’s how you can get Merciless in Remnant 2

You have to craft Merciless at McCabe Store. To do this you will need 650 scraps, a Crimson Membrane, and 7 Lumenite Crystals. This means that you will need to do some grinding and exploring. Scraps are probably the most accessible item to find, however, for the Crimson Membrane, you will need to eliminate the Ravager after eating the doe. To do this, you have to travel to the Ravager Lair located in the Yaesha sector.

Once you craft the Merciless you can improve it with a weapon mod called Bloodline. With this mod, you will be able to deal 150 damage with a 25% Critical damage bonus, and 3x additional stagger. Unfortunately, you cannot remove this mod once you equip it. So, make this decision carefully.

These are all of the important points you need to know about Merciless in Remnant 2. If you liked what you read then please check out our other guides such as Remnant 2 Apocalypse rewards – what do you get? and Remnant 2 Butchers Quarters – should you save the hanged man?