In a recent tweet, CEO of Dragami Games, Yoshimi Yasuda, revealed that they have “changed the game design of RePOP from Remake to Remaster based on your request.” Dragami Games is the studio currently developing Lollipop Chainsaw RePOp.
Yasuda did not talk about this change in detail, so from this single tweet, we can only speculate that at first Dragami Games were planning a full-fledged remake of the cult hack and clash action game Lollipop Chainsaw, which was released in 2012. But now it will be a remastered version of the original game with probably better graphics and some technical improvements.
Most of the fans seem to be divided on this announcement. But from the tweet, it seems that fans who didn’t want to see a modernized remake of the original Lollipop Chainsaw were in the majority.
Since this project’s official announcement last year, fans have been cautiously hyped about it, as most of them were disappointed to know that two of the most known creative forces behind the original game, Suda51 and James Gunn, will not be involved in this project. However, most fans did express their enthusiasm and excitement over this new project.
The decision to change the game design of Lollipop Chainsaw RePop into a remaster seems to be something that most fans wanted. It does make sense, as many fans love the aesthetics, storyline, and combat of the original game and don’t want that to be tampered with. Currently, we only know that the “game design” is going to be a remaster, so we will have to wait for future updates to fully understand what this actually means.
Dragami Games actually wanted to release Lollipop Chainsaw RePop this year but then delayed it to summer 2024 in August. According to Dragami Studios, the delay was done to get some extra time and ensure this project reaches “the best possible quality experience.”
Additionally, Dragami Games has said that they want to keep Lollipop Chainsaw RePop as close to the original as possible, although they were unable to include 16 of the licensed songs.