Helldivers 2 best tips and tricks - fighting on a planet

Helldivers 2 best tips and tricks to improve

Everyone is definitely out to play the latest Starship Troopers’ inspired shooter, but what if you want to improve in that game fast? Well, you definitely need our Helldivers 2 best tips and tricks, so you can improve your gameplay fast.

The game is a classic multiplayer experience much in the vein of Modern Warfare 3 and Skull and Bones. But it does bring a unique twist. Let’s take a dive into our Helldivers 2 best tips and tricks then.

Helldivers 2 best tips and tricks

Dropping Samples and Weapons

If you hold down the X key on your keyboard, you will drop samples and weapons. This can be useful when you need to quickly get rid of unnecessary items, such as sample containers. It’s a great way to free up space and make room for more important items that you want to pick up later on.

How to sneak

On higher difficulty levels, learning how to successfully sneak past patrols becomes a necessity. If you can’t kill them fast enough, they will start breaching and calling for reinforcements. By avoiding unnecessary fights and focusing on stealth, you can avoid attracting additional enemies and make your experience much easier.

How to spot Armor Passes

Most armors have special passes that provide buffs to your character. For example, the light Scout armor allows you to spot enemies on the map from a much farther distance than usual. This gives you a significant advantage in planning your attacks and staying alive.

Complete objectives in a short time

The longer you stay in a mission, the more enemies will spawn and become aggressive. It’s important to prioritize completing your objectives and sample grinds as fast as possible to minimize the number of enemies you have to deal with. Efficiency is key to survival.

Shooting while running

Did you know that you can shoot while running if you’re using a one-handed weapon? This means that you can maintain your speed and mobility while still being able to defend yourself. It’s a valuable skill to master, especially in intense situations.

Destroy side objectives

Instead of wasting time accessing terminals, consider blowing up side objectives to save time. This can help you focus on the main mission objectives and progress more quickly. Plus, it’s always satisfying to see those great explosions, right?

Deploy support gear correctly

Before dropping into a mission, make sure that you have selected a safe location to deploy your support gear strategems. This will ensure that you have all the necessary tools and equipment to handle what the game will throw at you. Don’t go in unprepared, or you’ll likely end up on the wrong side of the tracks.

Extraction shuttle orientation

This is useful to know, as the extraction shuttle will always land facing south, so be prepared to enter from the north. This consistent orientation allows for smooth and efficient extraction. Still, there can be rare instances where the shuttle will face a different direction, so do try to stay adaptable.

Efficient Sample Farming

If you’re looking to farm green samples quickly, a good tip is to try to play as many Horde missions as possible. These often provide opportunities to collect a great number of samples, and in a short amount of time as well. Definitely much more efficient way to gather samples compared to normal missions.

Deal with Chargers

Chargers can be a formidable enemy, but there are ways to dodge and kill them effectively. Utilize terrain to your advantage and time your dodges carefully. Additionally, using explosive guns, like the autocannon, can deal bonus damage to their vulnerable spots.

Boosters and Their Uses

Boosters are a valuable resource that can provide various benefits to your squad. They don’t stack, so make sure to use them before every mission. They have unlimited uses, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of their effects.

Compass is your friend

To improve your navigation, go to the settings and enable the visibility of ordinal directions on the compass. This will allow you to easily identify the northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, and northwest directions. It’s a small change that can make a big difference in your orientation.

Tip #13: Always Keep the Reticle Visible

In the settings, make sure to enable the reticle visibility at all times. This ensures that you can still see your reticle when sprinting or using your secondary weapon. It’s a simple setting that helps you maintain accuracy and control in combat.

That’s all the best tricks for Helldivers 2 that we have for you. If you want more tips and tricks, do check out our guides on fdhidhfi.