Fae Farm Steamed Fish – how to make Character standing in front of a wood oven

Fae Farm Steamed Fish – how to make

Fae Farms allows players to make a variety of dishes and even lets them indulge a little in the art of cooking. There are many pieces of equipment and items that you can use to create delicious meals. One of these mouth-watering dishes is called Steamed Fish. Along with being quite good, you need it for completing a quest called A Watery Wonder. So, this article will shed some light on its recipe and tell you how you can make Steamed Fish in Fae Farm

You will be given the A Watery Wonder quest by Nippy when you reach the 25th floor of the Saltwater Mines. Completing this entire dungeon depends upon your cooking skills, as you will have to give Nippy some Steamed Fish, among other items, to complete this quest.

Keep reading to find out how you can make Steamed Fish in Fae Farm.

Fae Farm Steamed Fish – how to make Character cooking some food

How to make Steamed Fish in Fae Farm?

You can make Steamed Fish with two ingredients: x1 Fish Fillet (any fish) and x2 Fresh Greens. However, there are a couple of steps you need to follow before getting to this point. Let’s rewind and look back at those steps.

First, you will need a Food Prep Table and a Cooking Hearth. These are the two items required for creating the ingredients. The following are the resources you need to build them:

  • Cooking Hearth: x2 Copper Ingots, x3 Clay Bricks, x3 Stone Bricks, and x2 Beech Lumber
  • Food Prep Table: x1 Beech Lumber, x1 Copper Ingot, x2 Stone Brick, and x1 Oak Lumber

After you build these two items, you will need to go fishing. Luckily, any kind of fish will work, so remember to catch a couple of them. Then, chop the fish with the help of the Food Prep Table. This is how you make them into Fish Fillets.

To get the Fresh Greens, you will need to find and place Arugula in the Food Prep Table. Finally, interact with your Cooking Hearth and make the Steamed Fish.

This is how you make Steamed Fish in Fae Farm. If you liked what you just read, then please check out our other articles, such as Sour But Sweet Fae Farm guide – how to complete and Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways collection room lock puzzle guide.