Fae Farm seasonal crops die - exploring the new Coasts of Croakia DLC.

Fae Farm seasonal crops – do they die at the end of a season?

Are you looking to plant seasonal crops in Fae Farm but wondering if they’ll die at the end of the season? Here’s what you should know. Overall, farming is one of the main activities in the game. During the early game, you’ll buy a lot of seeds from Holly’s Seed shop, and you’ll need to plant and harvest them to get quest items and make gold. However, most crops can grow in every season, and players are wondering if this means they’ll stay or they’ll have to be replanted. Here’s everything you need to know about seasonal crops.

Fae Farm seasonal crops die - exploring the new Coasts of Croakia DLC.

Do seasonal crops die after a season ends in Fae Farm?

The short answer is yes; crops die in Fae Farm after each season. Even if a crop says that it can be planted every single season, you’ll need to replant it whenever seasons change. If you plant Turnips in Spring, they will wither when the season changes to Summer, even though they can be planted in any season. If you want Turnips during the Summer, you’ll need to plant new seeds. And then, these new seeds will die when the season changes to Autumn.

On the bright side, this is only for crops. Flowers don’t die. Also, you can remove crops easily if you planted reoccurring crops such as Beans. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent crops from dying when seasons change. It’s a weird mechanic, and it doesn’t make much sense, but there’s no workaround.

To wrap this up, all seasonal crops in Fae Farm will die at the end of the season. Even if they can be planted in any season, you’ll need to replant them. There’s no way to keep crops alive when seasons change. On the bright side, flowers don’t wither when seasons change, so you can try planting more of those. Before leaving, for more similar content, here’s how to get a Flame Heart in Fae Farm. Alternatively, if you want to try a different game, here’s how to place curtains in House Flipper 2.

Harry Mourtzanakis

Harry has been a gaming fan ever since the days of Gameboy Advance and over the past 20 years, the one thing that has remained stable is his love for anything video game-related. Nowadays, you'll see him enjoying almost any type of game including FPS, survival, RPG, farming sims, and soulslike titles. Sometimes it’s all about action and intense fights, and others it’s better to relax in a cozy farmhouse. Combined with his Master's in Philosophy, Harry is able to share his passion for gaming through guides, reviews, and more.