Alan Wake 2 wellness center password – how to find it

Alan Wake 2 wellness center password - looking at the computer in the security room.

If you’re trying to find the Alan Wake 2 wellness center password and access the security room, here’s everything you should know. In the Return 5: Old Gods chapter, you’ll come across a locked door during the early stages of the chapter and you won’t be able to progress until you enter a code. You can either add the code instantly, as it’s the same for all players, or you can try and solve the puzzle to progress the story. Both have the same outcome, but the latter is more fun if you enjoy puzzle-solving. In this guide, I will go through both methods.

Alan Wake 2 wellness center password -  insert the password here to solve the puzzle.

Alan Wake 2: wellness center password

If you just want to progress through the story, the wellness center password in Alan Wake 2 is 170823. You don’t have to solve any puzzles, simply insert it and you’ll be able to move through and continue your pursuit of Tor.

However, if you also want to understand how to solve this puzzle, here’s how to find the password. As you’re in the security room, you should look for three pieces of evidence that contain all the clues you need:

  • Wall calendar: On the wall, there will be a calendar with multiple dates circled – one of those is the answer
  • Note – In the filing cabinet, you’ll find a note that mentions a ceremony occurring the ‘day after the next new moon’
  • Journal – Next to the sink, you’ll find a diary that mentions you should focus on August and use the DD/MM/YY format

Thus, check the wall calendar again and look for the new moon date of August, which is on the 16th. Based on the note, the answer is the next day of the new moon, which is 17/08/23. And that’s how the 170823 code comes up.

To summarize, the wellness center password in Alan Wake 2 is 170823, which is the same for all players. You can either solve the puzzle to find it with the normal method, or ignore the puzzle and add the password instantly. What do you think of this puzzle? Would you be able to solve it on your own? Feel free to share your thoughts below. Before leaving, consider also checking out our guide on how the Alan Wake 2 game over screen was made. It’s one of the most unique aspects of this new game and fans have been talking about it a lot.

Harry Mourtzanakis

Harry has been a gaming fan ever since the days of Gameboy Advance and over the past 20 years, the one thing that has remained stable is his love for anything video game-related. Nowadays, you'll see him enjoying almost any type of game including FPS, survival, RPG, farming sims, and soulslike titles. Sometimes it’s all about action and intense fights, and others it’s better to relax in a cozy farmhouse. Combined with his Master's in Philosophy, Harry is able to share his passion for gaming through guides, reviews, and more.