Is We Were Here cross platform or crossplay? Character walking inside a large room

Is We Were Here cross platform or crossplay?

We Were Here is a game that mainly promises many things to the players. However, to enjoy this experience to its fullest, you will need another player with you who shares your sense of adventure and curiosity. But before you invite your friend, you first need to know if We Were Here supports cross platform or crossplay?

For those who are confused about the exact definition of these two terms, they are often interchangeable, but the basic definition is that: cross platform means the game is available on multiple platforms, and cross play means players can play the same game together even while being on different platforms.

Keep reading to find out if We Were Here is available for cross platform or crossplay.

Is We Were Here cross platform or crossplay? Character looking at a symbol

We were Here cross platform and crossplay explained

We Were Here is the first installment in the We Were Here series. It is available on two platforms: PC and Xbox One. But unfortunately, crossplay is not available. If you are a player on PC and your friends are all playing on Xbox One, bad news. You cannot play this game together.

So, if you want to play this game with your friends, then there is only one way to do so. You have to make sure that both of you are playing it on the same platform. Only then, will you be able to solve puzzles together and progress through the story.

The game promises to the players puzzles that can be solved through logic and cooperation. But also, a setting that is so atmospheric to the teeth that you will get lost in its small details.

That’s all there is to know. If you liked what you just read, then please check out our other articles, such as Should I restart Cyberpunk 2077 for Phantom Liberty? Access DLC and How long is the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty DLC?