Rarest car in Forza Horizon 5 – what is it?

forza horizon 5 rarest car honda civic coupe 2016

Are you still zooming your way around Mexico in Forza Horizon 5? Whether you’re still playing the vanilla game as a beginner or you’re playing the Hot Wheels expansion as a grizzled veteran, it’s always about the sweetest rides you can get, which is why we’re interested in the rarest car in Forza Horizon 5 and what it is.

We’ve put together this handy rarest car in Forza Horizon 5 guide to help you find out everything we know about what the hardest vehicle to obtain is and why. This may change, as things do, so we’re going to keep this guide updated if the rarest car changes.

Below, you’ll find all the latest information we have. Bear in mind that you might not be able to actually buy the car because, well, it costs a lot of money and is pretty exclusive.

Rarest car in Forza Horizon 5

The most rare car in Forza Horizon 5 is the Honda Civic Coupe 2016. This car was only available through the Forza shop for the first week after the game’s release, and even then you had to buy the premium edition of the game to receive the Japanese car – something not a lot of players bought because the game is free on Game Pass. The Honda Civic Coupe 2016 currently goes for 20 million credits on the auction house.

There are many exclusive cars that can only be obtained by buying or obtaining certain items or packs, like the De Luxe Five-Window Coupe, which can only be obtained by buying the official Forza Horizon 5 Xbox controller. However, this doesn’t necessarily make them rare.

If you’re an eager Forza Horizon 5 player, read more of our guides on the game, like how to change the radio or a list of all the houses you can buy in the racing game.