Conan Exiles is just as barbaric as it sounds – he was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger after all. It asks you to craft, build, form alliances, and survive in the crazy Conan world of barbarians. It’s a game that sees regular updates, but with the Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery release date on the horizon, we’re extra excited.
If you’re a regular player of the game, you’ll want to know about all the new stuff when the Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery release date rolls around. So, get to sharpening this rather large stick, will ya?
Read on below to find out when Age of Sorcery comes out, all the new features it brings with it, and have a sneak peek at the trailer that dropped from Funcom.
Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery release date
Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery will release sometime in Q3 2022. This has been confirmed in a trailer for the game, which can be found below, put out by Funcom. Age of Sorcery is set to bring new gameplay features to the crafting and survival Conan experience.
Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery new features
Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery will see a number of new features added to the game. One of these will be live-service seasons that will be called ‘Ages.’ Each Age will have a theme and new content added, as well as a purchasable Battle Pass to obtain customization items from completing its tiers. A bazaar will also be added to make accessing paid DLC easier for the player.
Sorcery will now be implemented into Conan Exiles. You will be able to sacrifice your blood in rituals to obtain corrupting sorceries that take the form of dark and demonic conjuring. The update also adds in new powers to choose from when levelling, giving you the choice of two different perks at every other attribute milestone that you hit. If you put enough points into a perk, you will hit a perk milestone that unlocks further stat benefits.
Building sees a revamp with its own dedicated interface. All you need to do is pull out the construction hammer now and get to constructing new buildings. Going along with this is Creative Mode, which is a Minecraft-like mode that focuses solely on constructing the building of your dreams without any danger of PvP or PvE.
Followers will also be receiving tweaks, including the ability for demons to be made into followers.
Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery trailer
Find the Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery trailer below, which provides further information on the game.
That’s everything we know about the Conan Exiles 3.0 Age of Sorcery release date, plus all the new features coming to the game and its trailer. We hope to see you in-game soon.
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