Marnie Stardew Valley – best gifts explained

Marnie Stardew Valley - best gifts explained Character talking with another character

Marnie is arguably one of the best friends you can have in Stardew Valley. She is sweet, an animal lover, and sympathetic. If you truly managed to win her heart, you are going to get a friend for life. But if you are confused about this process, this article is going to help you a lot, as here are the best gifts you can give to Marnie in Stardew Valley. Let’s find ourselves a new best friend then.

Marnie owns a ranch and sells animals and animal-related products. This provides a pretty clear picture of her as an outgoing and independent character, so giving her the perfect gifts that she likes becomes very important.

So, read on and find out about the best gifts you can give to Marnie in Stardew Valley, and make her your best friend.

Marnie Stardew Valley - best gifts explained Character giving gifts

Best gifts for Marnie in Stardew Valley

There’s no getting around it. If you want her to be your friend, then you’ll have to get good at the gifting game. Marnie loves the following gifts in Stardew Valley:

  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Pink Cake
  • Diamond
  • Farmer’s Lunch
  • Golden Pumpkin (Universally loved)
  • Magic Rock Candy (Universally loved)
  • Pearl (Universally loved)
  • Rabbit’s Foot (Universally loved)
  • Prismatic Shard (Universally loved)

All of these are gifts that will significantly improve your relationship with her. Except for the universally loved gift, you can notice that to acquire the Diamond, you will have to go mining as it is a pretty rare item. Who ever said that making friends was easy, huh?

But let’s talk about cooking. When it comes to the dishes, you will need to get an Omelet and Parsnip to make Farmer’s Lunch. For Pumpkin pie, you need Pumpkin, Wheat Flour, Milk, and Sugar, and for the Pink Cake, you need Melon, Wheat Flour, Sugar, and Eggs.

Now if you want your relationship with Marnie to work then you have to stay away from the following items:

  • Seaweed
  • Clay
  • Salmonberry
  • Wild Horseradish
  • Holly
  • All universally hated or disliked gifts

Never gifts these above-mentioned times to Marnie. Unless you’re really looking for her to dislike you, but hey that’s not what we’re all about. We want her as our friend and we want it now.

This is all there is to remember when gifting items to Marnie. If you liked what you just read then please check out our other articles such as Does Pikmin 4 have a day limit? and How to Super Jump in Splatoon 3.