Lies of P - best starting class guide Character standing in front of a statue

Lies of P – best starting class guide

Lies of P provides players with the choice of choosing their combat style in the form of Starting classes. These are basically specific stats and weapons you get at the beginning of your game, which will dictate how you will approach all the combat scenarios in the future. Although there are only three to choose from, this decision is still pretty confusing. So, this article will try to recommend the best Starting Class in Lies of P.

The three combat styles focus on three completely different combat approaches. The classes can be boiled down to speed, strength, and balance. From there, it’s up to you what type of playstyle suits you the most.

Keep reading to find out what Starting Class in Lies of P may be best for you and why you should choose it over the others.

Lies of P - best starting class guide Character fighting a giant monster

Which Starting Class should you choose?

The best starting class in Lies of P you should choose is Path of the Bastard. This combat style focuses mainly on dexterity. You will be given a Wintry Rapier and the following stats:

  • Vitality – 8
  • Vigor – 12
  • Capacity – 7
  • Motivity – 5
  • Technique – 11
  • Advance – 6

This is a build that gives you speed, and this is arguably the most important element that makes you relentless in combat.

Why choose the Path of the Bastard starting class in Lies of P?

At the beginning of the game, the enemies you will fight will be generally slower, but as you progress through new areas and fight stronger enemies, you will quickly realize they are getting faster. Thus, having this build in the long run and tweaking your skills around dexterity will help you out a lot.

Although your defense will be low, you won’t have to worry about it after you master your swift dodges and deal quick hits to the enemy. Moreover, you will be able to counterattack enemies way more easily than any other build. And yes, you won’t be able to deal heavy blows efficiently, but this disadvantage gets easily overcome by the high quantity of hits you are able to deal in a small amount of time.

While playing with this class, staggering enemies will also become easy. Staggering enemies is important for winning combat scenarios, especially during boss battles. When the enemies are staggered, you can use that time to deal a heavy blow, grind your weapon, or even heal yourself.

The moveset and your normal attack speed are also amazing. So, if you are a beginner, you will have a ball playing with this combat style. It perfectly combines fun with practicality.

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