Epic Game Store free games – weekly update

epic game store free games

Playing games for free, ain’t that the dream? Well, now it’s a dream much close to reality as Epic Games Store has been gifting a game weekly, free for you to keep as long as you add it to your library before it gives away. The selection usually amplifies during sales and special events. Epic Game Store free games? Who could resist that proposition?

Remember when we had to trek our lovely butts to the game store and spend our whole monthly allowance on a single game? Remember when that game also sucked!?! Well, worry no more because Epic Game Store has been doing some quite sweet the likes of Bioshock The Collection (which contains all three games in their remastered form), Grand Theft Auto 5 and also an action-heavy hitter like Remedy’s Control.

There’s definitely something for everyone in the selection, Epic has even thrown in several indie titles (like one our darlings, What Remains of Edith Finch as well). So far, Epic Game Store has been giving out some pretty interesting games ever since its beginning with no plans to stop in the foreseeable future, so for us lucky gamers there’s nothing else to do besides install the store, sit back and enjoy our selection of Epic Game Store free games.

Epic Game Store free games – What games are currently free?

  • Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition (October 20 – 27)
  • Evoland Legendary Edition (October 20 – 27)

Coming up next

  • Saturnalia (October 27 – November 3)
  • Warhammer 4k: Mechanicus (October 27 – November 3)

That is all you need to know about the Epic Game store giveaways. We will update weekly as soon as more information is available so you will never miss a game on the store.

We hope you’re having fun with your free games, but in the meantime, there are plenty of interesting games out there. Have you been perhaps playing some Xenoblade Chronicles 3? Or perhaps you’re looking for some solid narrative?