A challenge from Cassiopeia guide – Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

A challenge from Cassiopeia guide - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - walking to the castle
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is the latest Pokemon game released in November 2022. There are regular updates to the game to keep players coming back to catch all those ‘mons. In this guide, we will take you through how to complete a challenge from Cassiopeia in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

To conclude the Team Star Starfall Street story, you must beat Cassiopeia in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. We’ve provided details on how to defeat her, including the Pokémon she uses and the best counters. 

Let’s find out how to beat Cassiopeia in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet in our a challenge from Cassiopeia guide!

How to beat a challenge from Cassiopeia in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Once you return to the Schoolyard area of Naranja Academy, you’ll finally face Cassiopeia or well, Penny. In the tough battle, you will have to face six Pokemons with Penny so here’s a full list of counters you can use:

  • Use high-level Bug, Fairy, and Fighting Pokémon against Umbreon. 
  • Use Ground, Rock, and Water moves against Flareon. 
  • Use Electric and Grass-types against Vaporeon, but pick an Electric Pokémon if possible. 
  • Use Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, or Poison-type moves against Leafeon. 
  • Use Ground moves against Jolteon, but Grass, Electric, and Dragon-types will also work. 
  • Use Poison and Steel moves against Sylveon. 

Cassiopeia, who is actually Penny, will use Level 62 and 63 Eevee evolutions of various types. We recommend that you bring Full Restores and Revives, especially if your Pokémon are at a lower level.

We don’t recommend that you take on Sylveon without Terastallizing your Pokémon with Poison or Steel. Once you defeat all of Penny’s Eeveelutions, you’ll get 15,120 prize money for defeating her. You’ll also get TM169 Draco Meteor and unlock more TM recipes. Next, visit Director Clavell’s office. Afterwards, leave the academy and have a final conversation with Penny to finish the Starfall Street storyline.

That concludes our guide on how to beat a challenge from Cassiopeia in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. If you liked this guide, make sure to check out our article on returning pokemon in the game. Or, why not take a look at Shiny Drilbur Pokemon GO?